Sunday, February 13, 2011


Tomorrow will be monday again *deep sigh* I know... Actually I love every days, but I hate to remember tomorrow shall start work again. It's not because I hate the works, but because the condition of my family is not healthy, my mom still sick, she is hopeless. Kinda sad and kinda upset plus angry. Oh... I shouldn't negative thingking... I am hoping to God, so she will be health again.

Anyway... I am trying to make nice, glad the day after will be off day. By the way, I still haven't make Top 100 Tracks, I don't know should I keep or make the new one. Blame to the time... Hehehe...

And... I did not go to church today, I know, I am wrong.


  1. Dude stay strong and try to keep trusting even when it is hard. Some how even the worst things will make sense in the end... even if it is in the next life.

    You can do it! Nice blog!

